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If not now, then when, and if not me, then who?

The idea of ​​creating Global Information Platform for the mutual exchange of information between the children’s hockey enthusiasts suggested to me by life itself. 40 + years of working like children’s travel – teacher in my own master classes in North America and in Europe, I was always interested in the media about the development of youth hockey in Russia and in the West. I was helped by knowledge of Russian and English languages.

Both in Russia and in the West more and more hockey enthusiasts appear in the media with objective criticism of the situation in children’s hockey.  And what is interesting, here and there “a history of the same disease”.

In Russia it is the commercialization of children’s hockey and “hit- and-run” for the result. Thus Vladimir Shklyaev (Russian folk line), writes:

“A few dozen dollar millionaires fighting for the interest of several billionaires and nobody cares about children unselfish hockey.”

Nicholai Uryupin in his speech said that

“The lack of a single system creates problems in the process of training young players. It is impossible to prohibit private initiative in the creation of children’s hockey schools and hockey clubs. This is a trouble with our living conditions. Without state support kid’s hockey will not raise.”

In hockey West “also not the best weather.” So, Mark Messier says that

“According to the survey 9 out of 10 children in Canada do not play hockey for the reasons: the high cost of expenses, time-consuming children and their parents and fear of injury. Hockey is not considered a game in which to get the pleasure. I keep saying: we do not call correctly those young team coaches. It should be a teacher; they have to teach, not to train.”

Brent Sutter:

“In Canada, working with young hockey players us so much emphasis on winning and losing.  To development of technical skills we gave little attention. But engaged in the development of hockey talent should be before junior age.”

Thus I have been doing this 40 + years in Boston, Toronto, Prague, Stockholm and Riga. I am proud that in the world of children’s hockey in 1973 in Boston (USA) opened the first private children’s hockey school. Even greater joy is the publication of my trilogy “From Zero to Hockey Hero” (1993), “Hockey Agility” (1997), “Mastering Hockey Agility” (1998), in which I (in fact ) ahead of time. But the highest happiness for me is opening “Pandora’s Box”– be the first year-round teacher – entrepreneur in kid’s world hockey.

I am absolutely convinced that the presentation of the Global Information Platform for free mutual information exchange by enthusiasts of children’s hockey in Russia and in the West will be beneficial to all who have dedicated part of the life for this game!


Children Are Our Future, They Are Unselfish!!!

Kid’s Hockey enthusiasts, do not stay away, unite!!!

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